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I'm not likely to do another letter for a while, but this was something special and I'd like to share with the family.  I've always had a keen interest in music and recently acquired some additional equipment that would allow me record audio either vocals, instruments, or even just the sounds of nature.  This was important to me as my children have begun playing instruments in the last few years and I really wanted to have recordings of them playing.  Good recordings. 

Last year at the family campout, I talked with Ethan and Kyle about doing an album for possible scholarships, Mother's Day, but more than anything I reeeeeaaaaaally wanted to scratch this itch that I've had for a while.  The boys were completely on board but we had to keep it a secret for Mother's Day so I also enlisted the help of Nathen to provide some extra....encouragement.  Fast forward to a couple months ago, after many "motivational" calls, we had an opportunity to do an actual recording.  Oddly enough, while not initially part of the plan, we were able to "bend" Terra's arm and she agreed to play as well.  Alan was able to join me for a good portion of it, listening, and being part of the process.

Once that was done, I took the recordings home and began working them to more accurately recreate what I heard(or at least how I think they sounded) during that session.  The mastering process involved some studio equipment, bluetooth earbuds, as well as a few date nights in the car at the temple with some Arby's.

Here is the result:


Vol I


- Braxton

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