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Hello once again, do not be shocked I am trying a new thing and posting a letter more often so those of you who are never home to answer you phone when I call can see what we are up to. As not to be out shown by Nathen, Zeke took an avocado seed and planted it into soil. I was leery of it growing but about 8 weeks later this start of a plant has popped up and began to grow. It has doubled in size in just days and we will see how it does.

I was putting laundry away on Monday and this is what I find in my bed. It is so ruff being a little kid and lounging all day.

In other news it has been so nice this last week (highs in the 70's) that Lauren and I tagged along with a friend of mine for a trip to the zoo. Lauren did really well until her shoes started to rub the skin off her toes and I did not make the connection for about thirty minutes. Poor thing, it sure will be nice when she can tell me when things hurt! Actually it is funny My friend is a twin and she is pregnant, another friend who is also a twin is pregnant and then Sabrina is pregnant. So all the twins that I know presonally are currently pregnant.

Even with the sore toes she had a good time and slept very well that night! She has started to venture out and is not as cautious as she was a month ago. A month ago she would stop at the door way from the bathroom to the hall where there is an inch drop and make sure she was ready to step down not any more she just walks right off. Sounds like a little thing but it has opened the door to climbing on tables and chair anything that is potential hazardous. It is exciting to see her grow and try new things.

Speaking of new things, Zeke is trying to eat healthier as he spends a lot of time at school. So to support the cause I have also dabbled in healthier cooking. One of the more recent things is that I found that bananas can be substituted for oil in baking recipes. However if you do not like the banana flavor I would suggest using a more mild tasting fruit or veggie. Cantaloupe that has been cooked and pureed works just as well with out the taste. I even made pie crust with out oil just added cantaloupe; it was not as flaky as Mia's crust but good just the same. I try to add purred veggies to everything I make from pancakes to pizza dough with much success. The flavor of pureed squash or zucchini is non-existent when added in small quantities. Today I made Lemon, cranberry, walnut cookies that had bananas for oil and added squash instead of 1⁄2 the milk that was called for. They turned out really well. Now they are more like a muffin then a gooey cookie but taste pretty good. If you are interested in my recipes I have been pretty good about writing them down so feel free to email me and I will pass them along.

The work on the house continues and I could not resist this photo of Lauren (AKA #1 helper) and Zeke looking for a florescent light bulb to replace our incandescent ones.

This was a type 2 ultra sound it is older but my printer would not scan. Kodak was nice enough to send me another one with the same problem. However after getting two new  printers and finally upgrading (at the expense) to a different model we have a working printer.

I went to the Dr.'s yesterday and these are the latest photos. I am not a real big fan of the 3D ultra sounds as the baby look alienish but thought I would share them anyway.

How great it is to live in a time where we have all the modern technology to be able to see photos of the unborn babies. He is doing well and weights 4 1⁄2 lbs. He is very active and I'm sure will give me a run for my money. Still don't have a name but I think we will decide when we see him. Hope everyone is doing well. Love ya, Zeke, Mylinda, Lauren and the boy.

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