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HI there everyone! Yes the rumors are true Zeke and I made a trip out to AZ to visit and to pick up the motor cycle. We left Tulsa Ok on Friday 10 March 06. We drove most of the night and arrived in Oracle about 08:00 at Zeke's dad's house. As we drove through Holbrook area there was about three inches of snow and the Sonic (drive in) was on fire in Showlow. It was cold and snowing !!! The weather channel here said nothing of that so we were surprised about that one.
We spent Saturday and Sunday in Oracle because you can't really ride a motor cycle in the snow. It really doesn't work so well. The whole time we watched the weather channel to determine when we could leave and get home without encountering snow or rain. We figured that if we left on Tuesday the 14 we could make it home with not too many problems. It was to rain from Friday on. This put a little bit of a cramp in our trip as we didn't have time to see everyone that we wanted to. Hopefully, that will be ok, as Mylinda will be returning to Arizona in June. One thing that worked out well was that Terre, Nathen, Ethen, Kyle and Symantha were coming back from being snowed in monday night and we were able to see them as they passed through Dad's house. You already saw those pictures.
Ok we left Tuesday about 09:00 and it was a beautiful ride to El Paso (our first stop)
It was a really nice day to ride and not to much wind. YES!
We stayed with some friends from Germany. Actually She is from Oracle originally. It was kind of sad. They have a daughter about Ethen's age and she wanted more to do with me then Ethen. Oh well.
Her name is Lynn. Too funny! She is some thing else.
Day two on our trip was even better than day one clear skies and we had a tail wind that pushed us all day. We got to Amarillo TX about 6:00 p.m. and got about 50 miles to the gallon. Not too bad.
That evening we ate and got back to the hotel to find that Zeke and I both got sick from dinner. We spent much of the night regurgitating dinner.
Day three; Oh goodness, that was a windy day. The nice tail wind that we had the day before was no longer on our tail but to our side. I spent the day just trying to hold on. My stomach muscle hurt from the strain.
The wind blew and blew and blew. But to no avail as we still made it with no rain or snow. We arrived in Tulsa about 4:00p.m.. Unloaded and went to Walmart to get some strawberries to add to our garden. When we came out of Walmart and my truck battery had completely died. Good thing we were at Walmart and we could go and fix the problem.
So we are home and alive and doing well. For those who don't know Zeke and I have found a house to rent it is here in Tulsa OK. It is a 2 1/2 bedroom and has a back and front yard. SO if you all are ever in the area feel free to stop on by. Sorry that we missed some of you all but like I said I will be down in June to see Sabrina's house and visit everyone.

Love and miss ya, Zeke and Mylinda Ellis

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