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Hello everyone! Lauren loves going out side and is happy to walk around or be carried however she does not like to crawl on the grass. We, like Nathen have received lots of rain and as a result things have started to bloom.

I was happy to find that we have White, yellow, lilac, and dark purple iris growing in the front yard.

Of course with all the rain comes the chore of mowing. I was particularly proud of this mow job. Don't you want to come and visit??

As I am usually the one behind he camera I don't always get in the photo so here I am.

Nathen had to give his two cents about the rain so I thought I would join in. We have received lot of rain this year... here are some examples.

Yes this last picture is of my back pato where the water has come onto the porch and actually covered the garden hose.

Lauren and I went and supported our ward in helping out with an organization that helps disable train and find jobs. We had a good time and there were a lot of youth from our ward there as well. Can you tell who influences them by what they have on there wrist?

We also tye-dyed camp shirts for our girls. This is my shirt do you see the ladybug? The second picture is of the back of the shirt.

These are pictures of some of the other shirts that we made.

We were lucky enough to be able to get new window through out the house. In preparation we (meaning me) had to cut down the ivy around the window while I was in that process I came across a birds nest after peeking into the nest I found a Rat Snake staring at me. He looked like he had just eaten but he startled me just the same. I will post pictures in the next news letter of the windows.

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