Hi there! I saw that just about everyone had a letter to post and thought that I would join the band wagon.
Zeke has acquired a new job working as a teacher at Spartan College of Aeronautics. He is currently sitting in a Hydraulics class. In four weeks will he will teach this class (for the follow six weeks), and then he will move on to a different class (taking and then teaching). Spartan has decided to have multiple teachers for every class. This occurred when one of their teachers had a stroke and only one other teacher had the expertise to cover for him. We don't know where Zeke will end up but he seems to be enjoying it any way. He will also be starting his BA program in five months (the waiting period mandated by the school).
I have officially quit my job and am now a stay at home mom! I think the most surprising thing about that is when I was at work I would come home to the day to day tasks that need to be done around the house, and after completing them I would have just enough time to go to bed. Now that I'm home all day I thought that I would have all the excess time to finish all the projects that I started, and then some. However, I'm finding that there seems to be less hours in the day then there was while I was working. Oh well, perhaps somewhere down the road I will catch up!
In other news Lauren is currently getting the four front teeth on her upper jaw. The upper right lateral incisor incisal edge has poked through the gum completely but the other teeth can only be seen slightly through the gum, as far as what one can feel. Lauren is more then happy to demonstrate them to anyone and or any thing that gets close enough to her mouth to feel them. This has made feeding an extra fun time. Lauren is not a fan of rice cereal but enjoys anything soft that we eat. I think sweet potatoes have been her favorite so far. She is now 5½ months old and is able to wear some 9-month outfits. Her hair has started to grow in and is at the stage that it just likes to stand straight up.
I have been taking photos of Lauren daily (that is the goal even though it is not always met) and when I examined one that I took the other day, it my first thought was that she is her fathers daughter.
After looking at it closer I thought it is obvious she is a close relative of Nathen! She looks just like him! Hope everyone has a great time at the camp out this weekend. I will be thinking of you all. Love ya, Zeke, Mylinda and Lauren Ellis